Growing Guide: Nasturtiums


Graen Studios Nasturtium Seed Packet
Image: Graen Studios

Nasturtiums (Botanical name: Tropaeolum majus)
An edible plant that produces round, shield shaped leaves
and bright yellow, red or orange flowers. 



Sow one to two seeds per pot, 1" deep in Spring. Later sowings will result in later blooms. Nasturtiums prefer poor soil quality so do not fertilize as this will encourage leaf growth rather than producing flowers. Seeds can be sown in pots or directly in to the ground. Ensure the soil is moist, well drained and preferably in full sun. 
In food
Although its flowers are most commonly consumed, the leaves are also edible. The peppery flavour pairs well with tomatoes and fish. High in Vitamin C, add flowers and leaves to salads or blend leaves with oil, pine nuts and cheese to make an alternative pesto. The young, green seed pods can be pickled and used as an alternative to capers. Do not use any chemicals when growing for consumption.
Image: Recipe using nasturtiums from The Garden Chef book by Phaidon

In the garden
Nasturtiums are a great pollinator plant attracting bees, butterflies and birds. They are also prone to attracting certain pests, in particular black aphids, which can lure them away from your vegetables. Do not be alarmed, simply spray the leaves regularly with a mild solution of soapy water. Nasturtiums can also be used as cut flowers. Harvest the brown dried seeds, storing them in an envelope to replant the following year.
Image: John Zabawa


Our nasturtium seed packets are made with longevity and versatility in mind, so the packet can be kept after sowing the seeds for you to enjoy the artwork as a miniature print. Each packet contains approximately 40 seeds of the Jewel variety and come from an Organic Certified and Defra Registered Supplier in the UK.

Image: Graen Studios Nasturtium Seed Packet